Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I was in the same room with Hillary Rodham Clinton, my hero and my role model. She gave one of the best speeches of her life and one of the toughest speeches of her life. The energy in the room was amazing, even if I was all the way at the top, the point being...I was in there!It has been amazing convention thus far, and it looks like it is just only getting better.

I will be posting pictures and videos when I get back home. I did not get in last night, and by pure luck, I got in today, and I will try my might to get into tomorrow night, but one thing that is sure, we are going to Invaseco Field to see Barack Obama accept the nomination. We are going to be on the 5th tier, and I will get pictures that night. I could not get pictures tonight because my camera died (yes, I know, bad planning), but I got a lot of signs from the event.

More updates to come whenever I can get wifi in this wonderful city of Denver, and everything else I will update when I get back to Greensboro, NC on Friday night.

O, and apparently I was on C-SPAN, I am going to scope out the interwebs for that video.

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