Monday, August 25, 2008

Convention Update #1

Hello readers!

It has been a crazy time so far and I can only imagine it is going to get that much more crazy in the wonderful city of Denver, Colorado.

I arrived here Friday, Denver time at 11am (1pm Eastern time) and did not get any sleep the night before. When we got to the airport there were numerous welcome signs for the DNC, for various Obama and even some Clinton delegates. The city is definitely prepared for our arrival, and I really have enjoyed the hospitality Denver has shown us thus far. People talk a lot about the hospitality of the South, well....Denver has shown them up.

One non-funny political story that was not so funny at the time was that I left my phone (a new expensive one at that) on the light rail, which is the public train that runs a lot. A local college student and her friend found the phone for me, and meet me back at the Convention Center (which was about a 20-30 minute travel time for them and non for me).

Ok, so..the question of this whole week has been...what can you get into as someone who is NOT an elected DNC delegate? Well, the answer is very few things. But one thing we know is we are definitely going to see Barack Obama accept the nomination of our party. As much I want to be able to get into the Pepsi Center events this week...there is so much going on here that even if I don't see my girl Hillary on Tuesday night, than it will be worth it.

Bradley Hardy, former VP of the North Carolina Federation of College Democrats and elected DNC delegate is going to be on the floor events this week. I am going to ask him if he can take a bunch of pictures...but if he can't, then I do not know what to do.

That is all i have for now...i gotta go!

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